Annie's Chronicles

5 Practical Tips to Jumpstart Your Fitness Journey

Starting a fitness journey can feel like the beginning of a hike. You know you’ve got a long way to go, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But trust me, you don’t need to become a fitness expert overnight or punish yourself with intense diets. I’ve been there, and the reality is, what you need is a bit of patience, small steps, and consistency. Let me share with my five practical tips that helped me kickstart my fitness journey, and now hopefully yours.

1. Start Small, Stay Consistent

One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting their fitness journey is going all-in too fast, often followed by the fear of how they’ll look at the gym. I used to be that person. I signed up for an intense gym membership, convinced I’d work out six times a week after months of doing nothing. It didn’t last. After a week of soreness and exhaustion, I quit, and all my fears about how I looked at the gym just made it worse.

What actually worked for me was joining gym classes. Working out with others made it easier and showed me I wasn’t alone—there were plenty of people in the same boat. Eventually, I stopped comparing myself and stopped worrying about how I looked on the machines. What mattered was showing up consistently, not going full-throttle right away. With time, consistency became a habit, and working out no longer felt like a chore.

2. Set Realistic and Measurable Goals

I’m all for big dreams, but when it comes to fitness, it’s better to be realistic. Rather than saying, “I want to lose weight,” be specific. For example, “I want to lose 2kg in the next month by working out three times a week and eating healthier meals.” This gives you a clear target and a path to follow.

Celebrate small wins along the way. Be it being able to run an extra mile, lifting heavier weights, or simply feeling more energetic. These victories will keep you motivated and remind you that progress, no matter how small, is still progress.

3. Find Activities You Actually Enjoy

Here’s a little confession: I despise running on a treadmill. I tried to force myself into it for months, thinking it was the only way to get fit. Every single time, I’d dread going to the gym, and eventually, I stopped.

Then I discovered that I loved dance classes and weight training. Once I started doing things that felt fun rather than like punishment, I actually looked forward to working out. My point? You don’t have to suffer through workouts you hate just because someone says it’s effective. Love to swim? Hit the pool. Feel strong lifting weights? Go for it! It’s your journey—make it enjoyable.

4. Fuel Your Body, Don’t Deprive It

Let me tell you about the time I tried to survive on just salads, porridge and protein shakes for two weeks straight. I was miserable, constantly tired, and eventually caved into a food binge that undid all the progress I thought I was making. Deprivation is not the answer.

Instead, I started focusing on balance—nourishing my body with a mix of whole foods but not completely cutting out things I loved. Once I realised that food was fuel and not the enemy, I started feeling more energetic and ready for my workouts. Trust me, you don’t have to give up all your favourite foods to make progress. It’s about finding what works for you without feeling restricted.

5. Create a Support System

You know what got me through the days when I didn’t want to move off the couch? Having someone to keep me accountable. A friend and I started going to the gym together, and on the days when I would have rather stayed home binge-watching Netflix, knowing she was waiting for me made me show up.

Your support system could be a friend, an online fitness community, or even just sharing your goals with someone who’ll check in on you. It doesn’t have to be a huge group of people; just someone who’ll cheer you on when you’re feeling unmotivated and push you to keep going.

Jumpstarting your fitness journey doesn’t have to be daunting. With small, consistent efforts and a mindset shift, you can make real progress that lasts. Remember, it’s not about quick fixes or punishing yourself; it’s about finding what you enjoy, setting realistic goals, and staying consistent.

I’ve been through the ups and downs of starting and stopping, and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that the journey is about enjoying the process just as much as the results. Focus on progress over perfection and celebrate every little victory along the way. You’ve got this!

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