Annie's Chronicles

Solo Date Ideas - Become Your Own Best Date

For years, I avoided doing anything alone. Eating out, going to the movies, gym—I always needed a sidekick. I dreaded the idea of flying solo, thinking it would make me feel lonely or self-conscious. Sure, being surrounded by friends and family brought plenty of laughs and good times, but it also had its downsides. I was missing out on getting to know myself, gaining confidence, and experiencing the freedom of solo adventures.

Two years ago, I decided to shake things up. I challenged myself to take myself to do things alone, starting with lunch, then coffee, and even a solo movie. It truly was an eye opening experience. Doing things alone is so important because it fosters independence, self-discovery, and personal growth. This allows us to step out of our comfort zones, challenging ourselves to navigate the world without relying on others. This autonomy builds confidence, resilience, and a deeper understanding of our own preferences and desires. Engaging in solo activities allows for uninterrupted introspection, leading to greater self-awareness and mental clarity. It also encourages us to be more mindful and present, enriching our experiences and enabling us to fully appreciate our surroundings. Ultimately, embracing solitude empowers us to be self-sufficient and enhances our overall well-being.  Here are some solo date ideas to help you become your own best date.

1. Treat Yourself to a Nice Meal: One of my first solo dates was taking myself out to lunch. I chose a cozy little restaurant I’d been wanting to try and savoured every bite of my meal. Dining alone can feel awkward at first, but it’s a fantastic way to enjoy your own company and indulge in some quality “me time.”

2. Enjoy a Coffee Date: Head to your favourite coffee shop with a good book or your journal. I usually bring my laptop and lose myself in work while sipping on a iced matcha. It’s a relaxing way to spend an afternoon and perfect for some quiet introspection.

3. Go to the Movies: Watching a movie alone was a big step for me, but it turned out to be incredibly liberating. You get to choose the film you want to watch without compromise, and there’s something oddly satisfying about enjoying a movie without any distractions.

4. Take a Walk in Nature: There’s nothing like a solo walk in the park or a hike in the woods to clear your mind and connect with nature. I found that these walks were a great way to de-stress, reflect on my thoughts and feel a sense of peace and calm.

5. Enjoy a Gym Session: Head to the gym solo and focus entirely on your personal fitness goals without distractions. Not only will you have the freedom to tailor your workout to your preferences, but you’ll also build confidence and self-discipline as you see your progress. It’s a perfect way to destress, and gain strength and pump ‘em muscles.

6. Have a Spa Day: Treat yourself to a day of pampering with a solo spa visit. Whether it’s a massage, a facial, or a relaxing soak in a hot tub, taking care of your body can be a wonderful form of self-love.

7. Attend a Workshop or Class: Sign up for a workshop or class that interests you. I once attended a dance class alone, and not only did I learn new moves, but I also met like-minded people who shared my passion.

8. Go on a Mini Trip: One of the most adventurous solo dates I’ve had was taking a mini trip to a nearby city. Exploring new places on your own can be exhilarating and gives you a sense of freedom and independence.

9. Visit a Bookstore or Library: Spend an afternoon browsing through books and discovering new reads. I often find a cozy corner in a bookstore and immerse myself in the literary world, enjoying the solitude and quiet.

10. Meditate or Practice Yoga: Find a peaceful spot, either at home or in a park, and spend some time meditating or practicing yoga. It’s a great way to connect with your inner self and find balance and tranquility.

Embracing solo dates has been a transformative experience for me. It’s helped me build confidence, gain independence, and understand myself better. While it can feel uncomfortable at first, pushing through that discomfort leads to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for your own company. Solo dates allow you to focus on your needs, desires, and passions without the influence of others. If you’ve always relied on others for company, I encourage you to take the plunge and try a solo date. Start small and gradually challenge yourself to explore new activities alone. You’ll discover that spending time with yourself can be incredibly fulfilling and empowering. So, go ahead, plan your first solo date, and let me know where you chose to take yourself out first.